Lekker Sims (41494)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (669 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Coffeeshop Patterned Bedding
Published Oct 1, 2006
About Me
I work at home, managing four online stores - lekkerdesigns.com, lekkerkids.com, lekkerbride.com & lekkerpolitics.com. I've always dabbled with interior design, and that's the main reason I love to play the Sims and create content. [shameless plug]If you like the content we make for the Sims, you should check out our stores! [/shameless plug] The creation of my object packages wouldn't be possible without the efforts of Quaxi, RGiles & Numenor as well as all the other mod developers in the community.
My Latest Updates Show All
So, So BusyWritten Mar 01, 2007
Some of you may know that we also operate 4 online shops (lekkershops.com). Well, we've been terribly busy with paying work that our poor simmies are terribly neglected. Hopefully we'll catch up in the next month or two and be able to upload some of the stuff I did so long ago. I am dying to play again, but I don't need yet another time suck :) ...More
Gigantic update on the way!Written Oct 09, 2006
I am going to be the upload queen in the next few days. I have finally complete the first part of my Open for Business shop sets. 7 Lekker color schemes - 224 individual textures! I will also be adding the display cubes into the mega sets. I wish there were more time in the day to get stuff to you guys. Next up... I am going to work on some cute tees for your simmies based on real life... ...More
New Bedding On The WayWritten Sep 28, 2006
I made a bunch of original bedding designs a while back and wasn't quite happy with the shadows - they looked too flat. I finally got them to my liking and am excitedley uploading them as I type. And, to toot my horn, they look real nice in the game. If only I could find the time to play :) Can't wait to see what you guys think! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
JLoungeSep 04, 2007
Great stuff!!!
harsimfamilyJul 27, 2007
i.........freakin...........LOVE........your work!!!!!!
foxysenseiJun 07, 2007
Lekker - are you south African??